Scientific Publications resulting from Cosmic Campground IDSS data

The paper uses data from the Cosmic Campground International Dark Sky Sanctuary (CCIDSS) in the USA and the Aotea/Great Barrier Island International Dark Sky Sanctuary (AGBIIDSS) in New Zealand to begin to understand the connection between solar activity the the natural night brightness. It documents, even during solar minimum, the natural night sky changes in brightness by more than 0.9 mag arcsec²

Abstract: In 2018, Solar Cycle 24 entered a deep solar minimum. During this period, we collected night sky brightness data at Cosmic Campground International Dark Sky Sanctuary (CCIDSS) in the USA (2018 September 4–2019 January4) and at Aotea/Great Barrier Island International Dark Sky Sanctuary (AGBIIDSS) iNew Zealand (2018 March 26–August 31. These sites have artificial-light- pollution- free natural night skies. The equipment employed are identical Unihedron SQM-LU-DL meters, used as single-channel differential photometers, to scan the sky as Earth rotates on its axis. We have developed new analysis techniques which select those data points which are uninfluenced by Sun, Moon, or clouds to follow brightness changes at selected points on the celestial sphere and to measure the brightness of the airglow above its quiescent level. The 2018 natural night sky was measured to change in brightness by approximately 0.9 mag arcsec² at both locations. Preliminary results indicate the modulations of the light curves (brightness versus R.A.) we observed are related in complex ways to elements of space weather conditions in the near-Earth environment. In particular, episodes of increased night sky brightness are observed to be contemporaneous with geomagnetic activity, increases in mean solar wind speed, and some solar proton/electron fluence events. Charged particles in the solar wind take days to reach near-Earth environment after a coronal hole is observed to be facing in our direction. Use of this information could make it possible to predict increases in Earth’s natural night sky brightness several days in advance. What we have learned during this solar minimum leads us to search for other solar driven changes in night sky brightness as the Sun begins to move into solar maximum conditions

Abstract: Anthropogenic skyglow dominates views of the natural night sky in most urban settings, and the associated emission of artificial light at night (ALAN) into the environment of cities involves a number of known and suspected negative externalities. One approach to lowering consumption of ALAN in cities is dimming or extinguishing publicly owned outdoor lighting during overnight hours; however, there are few reports in the literature about the efficacy of these programs. Here we report the results of one of the largest municipal lighting dimming experiments to date, involving ~ 20,000 roadway luminaires owned and operated by the City of Tucson, Arizona, U.S. We analyzed both single channel and spatially resolved ground-based measurements of broadband night sky radiance obtained during the tests, determining that the zenith sky brightness during the tests decreased by (−5.4 ± 0.9)% near the city center and (−3.6 ± 0.9)% at an adjacent suburban location on nights when the output of the street lighting system was dimmed from 90% of its full power draw to 30% after local midnight. Modeling these changes with a radiative transfer code yields results suggesting that street lights account for about (14 ± 1)% of light emissions resulting in skyglow seen over the city. A separate derivation from first principles implies that street lighting contributes only 2 − 3% of light seen at the zenith over Tucson. We discuss this inconsistency and suggest routes for future work.

  • Grauer, A. D. & Grauer, P. A. “Linking solar minimum, space weather, and night sky brightness”. Sci. Rep. 11, 23893 (2021). This paper present new scientific results and documents the quality of the natural night sky at the Cosmic Campground IDSS. See Figure 3 and the discussion below it for the characterization of a really dark night at three sites. In particular at the Cosmic Campground IDSS the night of the night of 2019 February 7–8 is the darkest night ever measured (22.128 mag/arcsec², stdev = 0.016).

Abstract: This paper presents time-series observations and analysis of broadband night sky airglow intensity 4 September 2018 through 30 April 2020. Data were obtained at 5 sites spanning more than 8500 km during the historically deep minimum of Solar Cycle 24 into the beginning of Solar Cycle 25. New time- series observations indicate previously unrecognized significant sources of broadband night sky brightness variations, not involving corresponding changes in the Sun’s 10.7 cm solar flux, occur during deep solar minimum. New data show; (1) Even during a deep solar minimum the natural night sky is rarely, if ever, constant in brightness. Changes with time-scales of minutes, hours, days, and months are observed. (2) Semi-annual night sky brightness variations are coincident with changes in the orientation of Earth’s magnetic field relative to the interplanetary magnetic field. (3) Solar wind plasma streams from solar coronal holes arriving at Earth’s bow shock nose are coincident with major night sky brightness increase events. (4) Sites more than 8500 km along the Earth’s surface experience nights in common with either very bright or very faint night sky airglow emissions. The reason for this observational fact remains an open question. (5) It is plausible, terrestrial night airglow and geomagnetic indices have similar responses to the solar energy input into Earth’s magnetosphere. Our empirical results contribute to a quantitative basis for understanding and predicting broadband night sky brightness variations. They are applicable in astronomical, planetary science, space weather, light pollution, biological, and recreational studies.